Guide to New HSK

Guide to New HSK
Guide to New HSK series is based on the Hanban New HSK Test syllabus. All the examples and exercises provide detailed analysis or explanation. Suitable both for self-learners as well as training classes. Attached are two sets of simulation papers, including the questions, listening text, answer cards and detailed answers and problem solving strategies.

Download: Detailed Introduction to Guide to New Chinese Proficiency Test HSK series (pdf-file, 0,8MB)

 本系列与决胜30天系列由刘云主编,共同构成了北语社新HSK书系。
 本书系是专门为参加新汉语水平考试的考生编写的考前辅导用书,包括应试指南 和模拟试题集两个子系列,共11本。
 应试指南系列针对不同题型和考点总结解题技巧,同时辅以大量的强化练习,帮 助学生及时巩固提高。本书系的题量非常大,各级应试指南均配备了十倍于真题题量 的试题。每道例题和习题都配有详细的解释,让学生练一点会一点,充分巩固学习效 果。
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